Welcome to the Cangive Shopping Network where consumer power makes a difference every day!

Shopping through Cangive to support Canadian charities is easy and completely free! There are no hidden mark-ups. You pay the same price for goods and services as you would if you went directly to the merchant's site. The important difference is up to 15% of the price of each purchase made through Cangive, supports Canadian causes.

To shop, simply click on any merchant link to access a merchant's on-line store. Each purchase you make after linking to a merchant from Cangive, will automatically support various Canadian causes. Shoppers wishing to support a specific cause have the option to become a Cangive member (more Info) or shop as a guest (more Info).

Merchant links are located on various pages in the Cangive shopping mall. An example of a typical merchant link is provided below.

Example Merchant Link - Amazon.ca

Merchant links can be found in several location on the Cangive home page:

1. Within "Featured" quick link areas
2. By clicking on a "Shopping Category"
3. By selecting a merchant from the "Find a Merchant" drop-down menu
4. On our "Shopping Specials" page.

Please note:

  • Qualifying purchases must originate from the Cangive shopping portal.
  • On the various shopping category pages, some merchants are designated with an asterisk ( * ). Funds raised by shopping at these merchant sites can not be directed to a specific cause and are therefore pooled and divided among participating causes. Funds raised by shopping at all other merchants will go directly to your specifically select cause.


  • Shopping at Cangive.ca

    is free and easy!

    Use you consumer power

    to make a difference


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